Lancaster Gate Apartments

Unico System - Lancaster Gate Apartment - Feature Image

Lancaster Gate Apartments

Luxury Cooling & Heating

Unico System - Lancaster Gate Apartment - Image 1
Unico System - Lancaster Gate Apartment - Image 2


  • Energy Efficient
  • Even temperatures across the rooms
  • Very quiet
  • Discrete supply outlets
  • Flexible design and installation


“The Unico System provides design freedom to decorate an interior without having to consider the clutter of radiators or pipework.”

“There is less than 2°C temperature difference floor to ceiling.”

“The system is suitable for installation benefitting all types of rooms found in an apartment.”

Unico System - Lancaster Gate Apartment - Image 4
Unico System - Lancaster Gate Apartment - Image 3


A twenty one mini-duct Unico System with high performance central cooling and heating systems has been installed at new luxury apartments in Lancaster Gate, London.

This is a high profile development with apartments expected to sell at the higher end of the London market.


The Unico System delivers both heating and air conditioning through small unobtrusive outlets at ceiling level. The whole system operates from a heat pump and overall it delivers 3kw of energy for every 1kw input, making it extremely energy efficient.

To provide both air conditioning and heating using a heat pump as the source, the Unico System features a heat pump coil. Air is pulled across the coils to provide either cool or warm air. Each apartment has its own system, whilst some of the larger apartments have two.